Don't remove the car radiator cap until hissing stops. Learn tips for draining a car radiator in this free auto repair video from a master mechanic. Drain Radiator Expedition Navigator I need help draining the radiator. here you go, if you need any more help, we're here. Can't find the right Pontiac Radiator Drain Plug for your rig? We have tons of quality replacement parts available here. Is there a drain cock on the 2003 M/C SS? How avout radiator removal on the same car? Any removal tips? where is the drain plug for the radiator Problem with 2001 Jeep Cherokee. Going through the steps to drain radiator coolant is easy as long as you follow the steps outlined. Draining radiator coolant is required for removing the radiator hoses on some vehicles. Draining and filling your cooling system used to be a whole lot simpler. Can anyone tell me how to drain the radiator on a 98 Deville? Does it have a drain plug and if so where?? Thanks for your help! Can anyone tell me how to drain the radiator on a 98 Deville?

Does it have a drain plug and if so where? Place a bucket or pan (minimum 2-gallon capacity) under the radiator drain plug and open it. Close the plug once the coolant flow ends. Every so often you have to drain radiator coolant and replace the coolant with a fresh infusion. If you do this, your car’s cooling system will function at its best. Visit the radiator specialists at Radiator. com, the do it yourself center for car repair, car care, and car restoration. How to drain a central heating radiator quickly and easily without any mess or fuss. Drain most central heating radiators in one speedy operation. I have a home heating system that uses a boiler and hot water radiators for heat. I need to permenantly remove a radiator from one room. Question - where is the radiator drain plug for a 2000 pontiac grand prix.

Find the answer to this and other Car questions on JustAnswer. Was going to drain my cooling system and flush it before I put fresh antfreeze in it, but I cannot figure out how to drain the radiator. How to drain an open vented central heating system WELCOME TO OUR CENTRAL HEATING (DRAINING DOWN) PROJECT. Draining the radiator of a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am is an easy process that can be completed in less than a half hour. Best Answer: With the engine cold place a suitable container under the radiator. Remove the filler cap and remove the bottom hose. DIY how to drain a radiator, for repair or replacement. Draining a Radiator . This project is sponsored by Draineasy. The first step in your radiator and cooling system flush is to drain the old coolant from the radiator. If you need to drain the cooling system completely, there is a drain plug on the passenger's side of the block (LHD cars). If your car radiator seems to be working improperly, you may need to check on the fluids. The ethylene glycol in antifreeze has a sweet odour and will attract animals which try to ingest it - it is highly toxic to them.

For radiator leaks, learn how to drain a radiator, flush a radiator, and refill your radiator at Radiators. How participate actively Drain the Radiator of completely different Ford Ranger | eHow. com. Draining the radiator on your Ford Ranger is pretty very simple. The radiator drain plug is used to keep the radiator fluid inside, as well as draining the fluid when flushing the radiator. The 2003 Chevy S-10 continued the sucessful series of S-10 pickups that GM first introduced in 1982. The best tool for this is a $3 turkey baster. I always keep one with my work tools fior this. Best Answer: yes you have to drain the radiator or else you will spill coolant all over the place. coolant temperature sensor, coolant temp, grand cherokee: Factory drain plugs for the radiators are horrible. Your C5 Corvette requires that you drain and refill the coolant in the radiator every 5 years or 100,000 miles and every 3 years or 36,000 miles thereafter.
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